But anyway, some friends and I went to the main fireworks event in Boise. It's always held at Ann Morrison Park, and it's always packed. Or so my friends say. That was actually the first time I've been there since I was like, seven years old or so. We've done some smaller fireworks in the past in our driveway, but they just weren't quite the same. Except the sparklers. Those are always fun no matter what. What I'm trying to get at, though, is that seeing those huge fireworks light up the sky was absolutely magical.
Unfortunately, not everything went quite as planned. We got there several hours early to get a good spot, which meant I had time to get a huge lemonade....and drink it all. (Well, actually, I had a little help from Maggie, but it was still a lot to drink for me.) So naturally, after about an hour, the privy was calling my name. Being the kind friend she is, Ashley went with me because I had zero ideas of where I would find a bathroom. Together, we located the outhouses. However, by this time, the sky was shutting down for the night, and the only lights at that time were a couple of mini fireworks some kids were setting off.
And as we all know, outhouses don't have any form of light to speak of.
I was standing in line with Ashley, and as that fact occurred to me, I started thinking twice about stepping into an outhouse. But what are phones for, right? Finally, one of the outhouses opened up, and I stepped inside. Paranoid as I am, I checked for toilet paper. Ta-da, there was none. So I stepped back outside, informed the next person in line that that particular toilet is lacking paper, and got into another line. The next one that opened up apparently had....erm....an unmentionable substance all over the seat. Definitely not taking that one. Finally, a decent outhouse was available for me to use. (Outhouses are terrible enough without having to worry about dropping your only light-source into their depths; luckily, I'm still in possession of mine today.) But as I was in the midst of doing my business, I heard a bang. And then a few more. Are you kidding me right now?? Ashley confirmed my fears from outside: "Hurry up, Erica! The fireworks are starting!" And hurry up I did.
We started running back to where the rest of our friends were seated in the grass, but then had the realization that we really had no idea where that was. So we were sprinting in the general direction of where they were, trying to avoid people, and watching the fireworks in the sky at the same time. Kids, don't try this at home. Thankfully, we didn't trample any hands or legs, and we spotted our friends.
The rest of the show was delightful, and I captured a few pictures to show for it. So here's some pictures!
This is Amber, Ashely, me, and Katelyn. Katelyn's boyfriend, Fancisco, and his sister, Fernanda are the ones behind us.
Same people, except now it's Maggie in the background. Don't worry, she's not pouting because she's sitting behind all of us. She's just being Maggie. :) Although she does look pretty unhappy....
Ah...here she's having fun! With Katelyn's amazing Superman cape that Velcros onto her shirt. I found that absolutely fantastic. I'm pretty sure I need one of those shirts.
Amber and Ashley being their awesome selves.
Maggie being her oh-no-it's-a-camera-I-must-hide-my-face self.
Francisco and Katelyn being dorks.
We decided it would be fun to all go under the blanket we brought. Now that I think back on it, I have no idea why we did it. We didn't stay under very long though. It got hot and stuffy fast. And we were probably annoying everyone around us.
This picture makes me chuckle. I love getting funny expressions on camera :)
(That's Garrett, Aubrey, and Maggie.)
Fireworks! I am still learning how camera stuff works, and shutter-speed is one of the things that I really need to get a hang of. Most of the pictures I got of fireworks ended up all squiggly-like because the shutter speed was too slow. But these ones didn't turn out too awful.
Is it just me, or does this resemble a dandelion?
This is one of my favorites. It's a bit wonky, but it's probably the best one I got.
Mini explosion!
Have some faces, yeah?
(Katelyn and Ashley both have blogs of their own, too. You should check them out. :) Click here for Katelyn's, and click here and here for both of Ashley's.)
(By the way...if there's a picture with my face in it, it's probably because Francisco had my camera at the time. In case you were wondering.)
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