Thursday, May 30, 2013

A list of things to do for no particular reason

First of all, I would like to give my dad a huge thank you for buying me a new camera.  It's a Sony RX 100, and even though it's a very small camera, it takes super great photos.  All the reviews said that it's the best "pocket camera" they've ever encountered.  It's a sweet camera.

Anyway, on with my actual blog post.  I didn't actually have anything in mind to blog about, but I wanted to take pictures with my new I did.  And I do realize that my wall makes for a terrible background, but I didn't realize that until too late.  The wall and I both look a bit sickly, but no matter.  I will make sure and have a different background in the future.

With that said, here is a list of things to do for no particular reason:

Put a basket on your head

Mutilate paperclips while forcing them into awkward star shapes

Look through an atlas and find as many weird country and city names as you can

Test out all of your pens and markers to make sure they all still work....the majority of them probably don't

Make turbans-that-don't-look-like-turbans out of scarves

Find all the people you know now in your middle school and elementary school yearbooks and realize how awkward everyone looked back then...including you

Pretend that your cat loves you and wants to snuggle with you

Do something with Duct Tape.  Anything.  The possibilities are endless.

You can even make rolls of Duct Tape into glasses.  They don't work very well, and you look funny doing it, but there is always a chance that it will catch on, and instead of Google Glass, everyone will be wearing rolls of Duct Tape on their faces.

And finally, you can catch your cat contemplating a Frisbee while looking displeased with the world.  And then have her turn around and glare at you for doing so.

Happy Summer everybody!  I only have one more day of school left!  I....will.....triumph!!!!

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