Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Here a cat, there a cat...and...oh look, there's another cat

If you are one to be annoyed at people for posting pictures of cats on the internet, don't read this post.  Because I don't want you to be annoyed with me.  And I know this is kind of a ridiculous amount of pictures of a single cat, but I can't help myself.  Picking just a few pictures out of the multitude I have of Nikita is quite a task.  I hope my captions can compensate a wee bit at least.
Anyway, enjoy, or don't enjoy.  
(Oh yes, and just a quick side-note...or a top-note as the case may be...: I'm sorry for the quality of a few of the pictures.  These are pictures that I have taken over a long period of time, and some of them are pictures I've taken with my iPod, so they're a bit grainy and the lighting is terrible.  I hope you don't judge blogs on the quality of the pictures....)

Her beached whale look.

She likes variety when it comes to her beached whale look.

She hides her face a lot when she sleeps.

She's probably unconsciously trying to hide her maniacal grin as she dreams about taking over the world. 

See, you can almost see it there.  She's just killed off the entire dog population, and now she's moving on to humans.

Here she's completely smashed her face into the chair.  Probably to muffle her laughter as she's dreaming about sitting atop her throne looking down at all the dead bodies splayed out before her.

Okay, but at least she's cute when she's dreaming about taking over the world.

The does-it-look-like-I-care side of her: 
(this is the most frequently occurring personality of hers)

She demonstrates the "talk to the paw" very nicely.

Aaaaand.....she doesn't care.

She also doesn't care that she is ridiculously un-ladylike.

I'm keeping this if I ever need blackmail....

....But she doesn't care.....

....As she looks down upon her imaginary human slaves and spites them all.

And lastly, her rare innocent moments...

Being a cute, curious kitten.

Taking the form of a boulder works, too.

I don't know why, but she was so irresistibly cute and tiny looking that I had to snap a picture of her.  She was just sitting in the hallway looking at the floor, and for some reason it made her seem super itty-bitty. 

Typical cat...

If there is an empty shelf on a bookshelf, you will likely find Nikita there.  Unless it's one of the top shelves.  She's become so lazy over the years that she's forgotten how to use her legs.  They're only good for getting her from point A to point B and back again if point A involves somewhere to sleep and point B involves food.  Jumping and doing anything active not included.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to scroll through a bunch of pointless pictures of the same cat!  I apologize if I disturbed you for being so morbid at times.  But Nikita is not as lovely as she seems in these pictures.  Some of the things she makes me wonder....

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