Thursday, April 18, 2013

Have a picture....or two....or three.....or....yeah

Last year in tenth grade, I took an intro to digital photography class.  It was a fun class; the teacher was super amazing, and I had friends in the class; it was just an all-around easy-going kind of class that was totally worth it.  It was especially worth it because I actually got a few decent pictures out of it.  So, if you haven't guessed by now, here are some precious seconds I stole from life with a click of the camera:

I didn't realize the benches at Table Rock Cafe could be so artistic!

Our lovely, faithful piano

You can never go wrong with books and flowers.  It's a fact of life

Not super original; I mean, who hasn't taken a picture of colored pencils in a circle?  But I still like the idea :)

Nikita being her sleepy self

Gorgeous flowers (from the Rose Garden downtown I believe)

A leaf.  A Maple leaf.  A green Maple leaf.

Our old Leicaflex camera.  Film cameras still beat digital ones, even though I have absolutely no idea how to work them.  That's my dad's and sister's job

Records, however, I do know how to work.  And yes, they still rule over CDs and iPods.

Again, books just automatically make any lame picture eye-candy

Another old camera.  A Rolleiflex this time.  

For my class, I wanted to make the previous picture look even cooler, so I inverted the colors.  What bugs me is that the little pink reflection in the first one turned green in the second one and it's all I see.  I could probably fix that with something like Photoshop, but it would take me ten hours to figure out how.  Technology is not my strong point, which is why I am using Blogger and not making my own Website.  I am taking Web Design this year though, so maybe eventually I'll do something like that.... that I am completely off topic and only have one more picture to show you....
I have a strange obsession with round, flat, smooth rocks.  Well, no, maybe not an obsession exactly, or I would have more than three or four, but they're lovely all the same.  So I took a picture of them.

I don't have an artistic eye for things like my sister does, but I wish I did, so I do my best.  I hope that whoever may have happened to stumble upon my blog today enjoyed looking at my wonderful (or not-so-wonderful...depends on what you think of them I suppose) photos.  You have now just experienced about 1/10927487364285245th of my life.  Take it or leave it.

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